From Hitler Nazi to Grammar Nazi

Nazi is a term that was used for an affiliate of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Nazism was a type of fascism whose ideology was built upon the ideas of derision for democracy and the parliamentary system, but with strong beliefs in the philosophies of totalitarianism, antisemitismeugenics, and scientific racism. If these terms are proving to be too harsh on your mind then let me bring to your acquaintance the Time Person of the Year 1938 - Adolf Hitler.

I suppose you got an inkling of what all these terms could relate to.

The name Adolf Hitler is synonymous with viciousness, cruelty, brutality, and absolute savagery. After the culmination of WW2, while many Nazi sympathizers were killed, others were prosecuted and sentenced to death by courts. And some escaped, of course. It was all in the 20th century.

Come 21st century, a new kind of Nazi came into being – the Grammar Nazi. People define Grammar Nazi as a person who believes accurate grammar and spelling should be used by everyone whenever possible, be it online chatrooms. It is also defined as a person who has the penchant for correcting the grammar of another person's speech, written work.

In short, a grammar nazi knows the difference between "their", "there" and, "they're". It is a person who knows that it is grammar, and not ‘grammer’.

Those times seem to be over now when people would yearn for perfectness in their lingual craft. Portraying one’s elegance by showcasing a sophisticated yet simple vocabulary to seize one’s attention is no longer considered fancy. Instead of getting the appreciation for learning a language with flawlessness and precision, such people are now being mocked and ridiculed online.

It may be said that most proponents of Grammar Nazism belong to the class of those poorly educated netizen who choose to stay that way. Instead of improving themselves, they mock the ones who they feel are superior to them. We could ignore such people because they are living their lives in sorrow. But things went out of hand when a study conducted in 2016 by the researchers from the University of Michigan concluded that people who are thoughtful towards written grammatical mistakes and typographical errors are morons!

I see it as a state of utter pity and despair. I won’t use any extravagant words to try to explain such people the importance of correct grammar in any language. But I hope when such people are writing a letter to their enraged loved ones they write:
Ruko mat, jao’,
instead of,
                                                                        ‘Ruko, mat jao’.

Another example for those who don't know Hindi/Urdu:

I understand you would like to refrain from using:
'Let's eat grandma'
and instead, would prefer:
'Let's eat, grandma'.
See, not only does punctuation saves love, but it also saves lives!

The author of this article is a polyglot. He is familiar with English, Hindi, French, and, Punjabi. The author has left some mistakes in this article for the fellow Grammar Nazis, proofreaders to find out.


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