Joget Operator Attains Red Hat OpenShift Operator Certification

“The most complicated skill is to be simple”. This complication may now have been resolved to some extent in the world of software development considering that the development of applications on the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform is going to get simpler with the availability of the Joget Operator of Joget Inc. Joget Operator has attained Red Hat OpenShift Operator Certification and is now freely accessible in the Red Hat Container Catalog and Red Hat OpenShift Embedded OperatorHub.

While Red Hat OpenShift happens to be the industry’s most complete enterprise Kubernetes platform, Operators have now become a prevailing means to computerize infrastructure supervision activities. These two have now come together. The Joget Operator assists in automating the deployment of Joget on Red Hat OpenShift which signifies that the OpenShift customers can now solely focus on delivering applications instead of distressing about issues pertaining to infrastructure. Joget enables non-coders to make and maintain applications easily.

“Joget Operator has achieved Red Hat OpenShift Operator Certification and is part of the Red Hat Partner Connect ecosystem”, notified Julio Tapia, director, Cloud Platforms ecosystem, Red Hat.

“Kubernetes Operators are appealing because they help encode the human operational logic normally required to manage services running as a Kubernetes-native application and aim to make day-to-day operations easier. By providing Operators on Red Hat OpenShift, users can begin experiencing the next level of benefits from a Kubernetes-native infrastructure, with services designed to ‘just work’ across the cloud where Kubernetes runs”, he said further.

Noting on the partnership, Raveesh Dewan, CEO of Joget Inc., said, “Going from no infrastructure to a deployed business application is now easier to achieve with Red Hat OpenShift and Joget.”

“Partnering with Red Hat OpenShift provides our customers with an end-to-end solution and helps accelerate their digital transformation journey,” he added.

Joget has been an innovator in low-code platforms and has to its credit the creation of novel features such as automatic support for progressive web apps (PWA), integrated application performance management (APM), and TensorFlow AI integration.


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