Diablerie Will Not Kill Coronavirus

Coronavirus is spreading like a rumor. To combat the deadly virus the Indian PM Shri Narendra Modi ji, on March 19, addressed his countrymen. During his passionate call to the nation, he announced Janta Curfew (Public Curfew) for March 22. The PM also asked his compatriots to come out of their houses at 5 PM and clap for 5 minutes to express sincere gratitude towards the medical community for their tremendous selfless service to mankind. 
Since his fervid allocution, several videos and messages started doing rounds on social media claiming that the sound of 132 crore Indians clapping together would create such strong vibrations that it will kill the COVID-19 coronavirus. Nothing could be more frivolous than this silly claim.

Shocking visuals came from all across India wherein people could be seen gathering in large numbers and purportedly celebrating with slogans, drums, songs, etc. as if Corona had started to retreat or was enervating. 

It is comprehensible that during these desperate times people will tend to believe anything that appears to show a ray of hope. But people across the globe need to understand that if terminating coronavirus was such an easy-peasy task it would have been done way long ago. Lakhs would not have infected. Thousands would not have died. It would have not become a pandemic.
Though killing pathogens through acoustics has been a topic of discussion. It is still in the stages of the hypothesis. Someday scientists may extensively ravage and ultimately kill viruses like an opera singer breaks wine glasses. All objects naturally oscillate at a resonant frequency. Pluck a string of the violin and it will vibrate at some resonant frequency. But resonating can get unmanageable. A notable example is the crumbling of Tacoma Narrows Bridge because of a wind that swayed it at one of its resonant frequencies.
Viruses are susceptible to similar mechanical excitation. The capsid of a virus is like the shell of a turtle. It encloses the genetic material of the virus. If the shell can be broken by mechanical vibrations, the virus can be shot down. However, it is not as simple as it sounds. Finding, the frequencies at which damage to the virus will occur is hard to find and is a bit of trial and error and requires a tremendous amount of scientific research. Furthermore, such detrimental sound lies in the ultrahigh-frequency range which requires distinct scientific apparatus. Clapping, beating utensils, blowing shankh (conch) cannot generate sounds of such high frequency. Furthermore, if such high energy audible sound could kill micro-organisms, would it not be harmful to humans?
Moreover, if clapping could kill coronavirus why wait for so long? Why wait for a certain Sunday? Why now when we are the doorstep of Stage-3? Should not we have started beating utensils a long ago?
Furthermore, people should refrain from spreading any false news or claim that has no scientific backing. Not everyone may have scientific sense but common sense is most expected in these turbulent times. Such injudicious and absurd claims even beat general wisdom. Before forwarding such messages, people should question themselves. Had clapping the power of killing coronavirus, would not the smart Chinese, Europeans, and Americans have already used it? Apparently, common sense is a flower that does not grow in everyone’s garden. 
It is an appeal to everybody around the world to stay indoors. As of now, only self-isolation is the remedy that can prevent the spread of this highly communicable life-threatening virus. People need to not understand that applause will not kill Coronavirus but celebrations in huge gatherings will definitely put them onto the path of death.
The following is a video I came across on social media, everybody needs to watch this.  


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