Let Me Be Your Moderator Tonight

Today the Indian press is one of the most biased in the world. For whatever reason, they have turned into boot-lickers.

Many a time I ask myself if the Indian media is for real. A bunch of jokers carrying out biased debates with an agenda has become a common sight. The Indian media is so submissive, they cannot even throw questions. All they do is shout. Even the so-called intellectuals that the channels call in their debates are of the same category, most of them are in the guise of an analyst with an underlying allegiance towards some organization.

The sad part is that press freedom is being seen through the glass of present and previous political parties; if I point out that media is under pressure, some impatient biased man will jump to claim that it was even worse in the previous government. Media should be empowered and such matters should be dealt with sternly irrespective of the party in power.

Unfortunately, presently, India is full of educated fools, who lack the temperament to listen and understand with an open unprejudiced mind. They lack the ability to think impartially and critically. The ability to analyze is depleting drastically.

Someone get me a chance to conduct a TV debate and I shall show how it is done.


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