The Downfall of Indian Media

No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth, once said Plato. He would have never imagined that hatred emanating from enouncing the truth would centuries later reach such heights that those who are supposed to promulgate the truth will refrain from it. He would have never thought of republics where standing with the truth is matched with separatism.

If you are a habitual watcher of Indian news channels you would have definitely come across shouting moderators running non-essential meaningless debates every time the nation requires them to raise important issues and ask tough questions to the administration. Today, a significant section of the Indian media happens to be one of the most biased in the world. For whatever reason, they have turned into sycophants. Flagrant propagation of white lies is a task that the media seems to have developed an expertise in.

Many a time I ask myself if the Indian media is for real. Inept journalists carrying out biased debates with an agenda has become a common sight. They are so submissive, they even lack the basic journalistic ability to throw questions. The ostensible “intellectuals”, “experts”, and “thinkers” that are called upon in debates are of the same brooding type, mostly sitting in the guise of an analyst with an underlying allegiance towards some organization, mostly political. These are the governments’ loud mouths that weave false narratives and are at the forefront of fooling their fellow nationals.

The woeful part is that press freedom is being seen through the glass of present and previous ruling political parties. If it is pointed out that media is under pressure, some impatient biased man jumps to claim that it was even worse in the previous government. These people are those who do not contribute anything worth hearing and take offense at everything. Media should be empowered and such matters should be dealt with sternly irrespective of the party in power.

Unfortunately, presently, India has a great number of skillful, educated deceivers who have a prowess in diverting the topics. As a national of the largest democracy in the world, it pains me to admit that there is no dearth of people in TV media who lack the temperament to listen and understand with an open unprejudiced mind. They lack the ability to think impartially and critically. The ability to analyze is either depleting drastically, or is being suppressed with force physical, financial, or ministerial.

The adroitness of weaving a convincing account to distract and detract from the real matter in question is hands down the greatest craft that Indian media has established. Regrettably, quite a significant percentage of the population is too naive to apprehend such cunning trickery. The critical issues are being swept under the rug and are substituted with other no-essential pastime filers that provoke human emotions. The western hemisphere might not be familiar with the fire that such trivial matters can light up even with a feeble spark. More than 70 years have passed since we procured freedom from the British and yet creating a communal divide is a piece of cake.

Journalists throwing tough questions at President Trump and openly criticizing him and his government’s policies depict why the USA is the greatest democracy in the world; democracy in the true essence. Furthermore, the fact that the running government does not try to suppress the voice of the media, and of its citizens openly condemning, questioning, and denouncing them is in the truest form the freedom of expression. Though President Trump lambastes some media organizations openly and tries to castigate them of being biased against him, he never misuses his power to clamp down on their employment or livelihood.

Here, any critique of the ruling party is equated to anti-nationalism and warrants unnecessary personal and professional harassment by the virtue of power abuse. It is 2020 and a media person grilling the PM, or for that matter, any ministerial-level government personnel, is a sight that the Indians are yet to witness. Interviews here are defined by pre-submitted questions that talk about personal tastes rather than the affairs that affect the socio-economic-politic-cultural fabric of this great country, presently
  1. whose 21.9% of the population lives below the poverty line (remember that the government stipulated financial standing to be classified as a BPL accounts for an extremely meagre annual income; the percentage of the poor population is even greater),
  2. whose 24.08% population is unemployed,
  3. which stands at 102 out of the 117 classified countries in the 2019 Global Hunger Index,
  4. which stands at number5 in the list of most dangerous countries in the world for expatriates,
  5. which stands at 133 out of the 167 classified countries in the Women Peace and Security Index 2019/2020,
  6. which stands at 141 out of the 163 classified countries in the 2019 Global Peace Index,
  7. which stood at number 1 Thomson Reuters Foundation's 2018 ranking of the most dangerous countries for women,
  8. which stands at 80 out of the 180 classified countries in Transparency International's 2019 Corruption Perception Index,
  9. which stands at 76 out of the 82 classified countries in the World Economic Forum's 2020 Social Mobility Index,
  10. which moved down 10 places to 68 out of the 141 classified countries in the World Economic Forum's 2019 Global Competitive Index,
  11. which stands at 112 out of the 153 classified countries in World Economic Forum's 2020 Global Gender Gap Index,
  12. which, in 2019, as per the World Economic Forum, was one of 17 countries that face “extremely high” water stress,
  13. where, as per UNICEF, India is the only large country where more girls die than boys,
  14. which, as per the World Economic Forum 2019 report, loses approximately $5 billion annually due to pollution and environmental degradation,
  15. where, as per the World Economic Forum 2019 report, there are 15 of the world’s 20 most polluted cities.

Hardliners, fundamentalists, and thinkers with extreme ideologies might also find this article to be funded by some opposition organization and I may also be asked to go to Pakistan as if it is my aunt’s house. But the ones who may question me may also better check India’s World Press Freedom Index. Presently, India stands at number 142 out of the 179 classified countries.

A democratic regime is as good as its opposition. The government must be questioned, if you don’t it will one day dance on your head. The media must play this role fairly. It is one of the pillars of democracy. It ought to be sincere in its duty. If the media fails to do so, the citizens must take note of it. The people must question. They must take interest in the affairs of the government because if they do not, they are doomed to live under the rule of fools. The want is a government of law, not of men.

For the ones who will be eager to put the author’s credibility to question must note that the author has no association of any type whatsoever with any political, social, financial, government, media, socio-political, or any other organization that may be described or categorized by any such definitions. The opinions expressed herein have been reached after a thorough analysis of the subject matter discussed herein. The motive of the matter expressed herein should by no means or interpretation be considered as a tool to offend, chastise, or berate any individual, organization, community, or any other classification that may be categorized under any socio-economic-political grouping or class. The opinions expressed herein are intended to spark a current of realization among its readers and are not intended in any way whatsoever for politicization or gaining any variety of political or financial mileage. This article will not earn the author any money whatsoever.

It is high time, the citizens ought to wake up.

That being said, we must also not forget to appreciate that section of the media that is performing its duty sincerely.


  1. But the real problem is dishonesty in criticizing the govt.
    There are problems and there are intentions.
    When the intention behind criticism is honest attempt to solve problem it would be very mich appreciated by most right wingers. Unfortunately, intentions behind the criticism is not to solve the problem but to use the problem to defame the govt is DISHONESTY.
    Unfortunately who every questions govt with half facts becomes hero for left side and abuse the other side as bhakts, insults to undermine their argument and are not open to listen to argument.
    There are three ways of resolving a conflict
    1. Bruteforce - engage in physical fight and stronger one wins.
    2. PsycicForce - there are million minds that can produce psycic force. capture maximum such minds and feed those minds with emotions that will produce psycic force with maximum intensity. Use the collective psycic force to win.
    3. Satyashodhana (Truth Seeking) - employs debate where both parties engage in honest debate presenting their arguments with intention for truth bubble up instead of winning the debate by whatever means.

  2. India has a number of problems, but dey have not surfaced only in d past 6 yrs. D media shud have an understanding of dis, empathise and then criticise. Not everything d govt does can be wrong as some media persons say. People are smart enough to analyze .Lies and fake news cant catch d attention for long.

  3. Once PMO opens junket and free pass and entitlements for Lutyens, India will again become good nation as that was during Cong period.

  4. It surprises me that majority of people comment or opine either "for" or "against" a particular party or personality. Views should be on merit of each event, not according to political inclination. I didn't support Demonetization, but wholeheartedly supported GST, (though some deficiencies were pointed out). On Solar energy, work of Modi is an extraordinary success. Why should questions be raised when surgical strikes were made public after URI ? Blakot was publicized only for political gains. Same was reservation for EWS among upper casts. But, then many such things have happened earlier in Indian politics. Appeasement of minorities is an established phenomenon. But at the same time, ignoring more important questions of hunger, health, social equality for under privileged can not be kept aside. It disappoints me that one needs to be seen soft towards accused of Kathua to prove support for BJP. A family controlled Congress is not in a position to become an effective opposition. Since last thirty years at least, it has been on decline. I believe, people get the leaders they deserve as leaders follow what people want. If we are communal and castiest, how do we expect leaders behaving differently !! Indian electorates have been wise and mature enough. Our democracy has always taken corrective direction, whenever acutely needed.


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