The Ethical and Virtuous NEWS Person

It saddens me to the core when I put across the unfortunate reality that today quite a few media personnel have sold their souls. I staunchly feel that the news media workforce must possess some specific virtues because they hold the power to influence the masses and create an opinion that might be harmful to society as a whole.

I vehemently believe that a news-person must be unbiased. They must have the courage to stand with the right, to deliver the right, and to voice the right. They must be diplomatically outspoken and mustn't hesitate to criticize the wrongdoer in verbiage that does not constitute being discourteous. The news-personality should be temperate and must have the right conscience. They should have the ability to give away the most in the least possible words.

Furthermore, I don't think a person indulged in the news business should try to achieve political correctness; though political correctness to a certain extent is comprehensible and is necessary for the business. The news personnel must shy away from "interpreting" the news, especially in a way that reflects their own political affiliation or belief. Having said that, the news media must refrain altogether from interpreting the news, they must just put forth it. Also, the debate moderators on the media platforms must conduct debates with a composed etiquette in an unprejudiced manner without throwing into the debate their own agenda and interests. There should not be "agents" in the guise of news-men.  Moreover, the news personnel ought to have the art of asking questions fearlessly without making it appear like an interrogation. Likewise, they must abstain from making a mountain out of a molehill; sensationalize the news is one contemporary trend that must be done away with entirely. At last, the news personnel must have business acumen, after all, it is an industry; tout le monde has to earn and eat well - it is all about being healthy and wealthy.


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