Fall of Ukraine, Rise of Zelenskyy

Since February 24, I have done nothing except for being glued to my media screens and keeping a close eye on Russia's invasion of Ukraine. I cannot find finds to express how I feel. I am annoyed, I am angry. I am in a state of despondency, I am dejected. I am shocked and dismayed to the core of my heart. I cannot do anything, unfortunately. 

Death is an inevitable reality. Going through the war proceedings has made me realize one thing - there is no greater glory than fighting for a cause; there is no greater cause than fighting for right, there is nothing more right than truth, and there is no bigger truth than the love for motherland or the land that gives you opportunity. If one has to go down, why not go down fighting for martyrdom is superior to dying in vain at the hands of the wrongdoer. Defiance is superior to mercy or slavery. 

Speaking of the mettlesome population begs a mention of the intrepid and heroic Volodymyr Zelenskyy. This man has manifested the distinction between a leader and a politician. He personifies the ideal leader that a nation needs in the time of an extremity, during the hour of a quandary. The way he has evoked the sentiment of nationalism among his doleful, down in the mouth citizens is beyond belief. He will go down in history as one of the dauntless leaders of the modern era. He is the man.

For the last couple of days, I have been pondering what would have I done as a foreign national stranded in Ukraine during this war-torn situation. I close my eyes and imagine myself handling the Kalashnikovs and getting ready to combat the aggressor. But then I ask myself - Am I brave enough? Would have I not thought about my family back home? Then I reassure myself, if not offering services at the war front, I would definitely volunteer for humanitarian aid. I would not run away from the land that gave me an opportunity to have a better life. I could not leave like a coward when the land needed me the most - in the midst of a war.

But is this a war? No. The world ought to know that this is not a war. Wars are fought on borders; not on roads, not in the streets. This is an act of terrorism. This is bullying. This is a  pusillanimous attack on humanity, an attack on sovereignty, an attack on peace, an attack on progress. No words can expound the inconceivable pain that the innocent people of Ukraine are going through right now. The opposition that the civil population has chosen to put forth against the enemy is the most honourable and venerable display of valour.



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